Seeing The Spiritual Realities
Shane Millard
01/12/25 Sermon
Partakers of the Divine Nature: Reflecting Christ
Shane Millard
12/29/24 Sermon
Partakers of the Divine Nature: Imitating Christ
Shane Millard
12/22/24 Sermon
Partakers of the Divine Nature: Learning Christ
Shane Millard
12/15/24 Sermon
Basic questions
Mark Wallace
12/08/24 Sermon
God Sends Good News
Chase Byers
12/01/24 Sermon
Matthew 8b
Jamie Neely
11/24/24 Sermon
A Thankful Spirit
Shane Millard
11/24/24 Sermon
Full of the Spirit (Acts 6:1-8:4)
Shane Millard
11/17/24 Sermon
Fighting Against God (Acts 5:12-42)
Shane Millard
11/10/24 Sermon
No Soul Left Behind - Being your Brother's Keeper
Kevin Clark
11/03/24 Sermon
Are You Pursuing Holiness in All of your Conduct?
Kevin Clark
11/03/24 Sermon
In Defense of Biblical Baptism
Kevin Clark
11/02/24 Sermon
Lessons From the Faith of Abraham
Kevin Clark
11/02/24 Sermon
Are You Doing Your Part to Save Your Soul?
Kevin Clark
11/01/24 Sermon
A Holy Temple (Acts 4:32-5:11)
Shane Millard
10/27/24 Sermon
The Temple - A Place for God's Name to Dwell (Acts 4:5-31)
Shane Millard
10/20/24 Sermon
The Temple: A Place of Healing (Acts 3:1-4:4)
Shane Millard
10/13/24 Sermon
A Temple Devoted to the Lord (Acts 2:42-47)
Shane Millard
10/06/24 Sermon
The Spirit fills the Temple (Acts 1:1-2:41)
Shane Millard
09/29/24 Sermon
The Greater Glory
Shane Millard
09/22/24 Sermon
Put your full trust in the Lord
Colin Slayton
09/15/24 Sermon
In Him we have every spiritual blessing
Colin Slayton
09/15/24 Sermon
The Latter Glory will be Greater (Haggai 2:1-23)
Shane Millard
09/08/24 Sermon
Appeal to Forgive
Joel Raulerson
09/01/24 Sermon