
Partakers of the Divine Nature: Reflecting Christ
Series: Partakers of the Divine NatureFor the last two weeks, we have been examining this wonderful invitation to be partakers of the divine nature and we have been focusing on knowing Christ through developing greater faith, virtue, and knowledge, and last week we focused on imitating Christ through self control, perseverance, and godliness. Where we ended last time was with godliness - a life that in every area is God oriented. What will a life that is God oriented look like practically? It will lead to brotherly kindness and culminate in sacrificial love because those reflect the heart of Christ.
Earlier this year we talked about the three personal God and we looked at his nature. This is a very different and unique among the religions of the world. Various religions believe in one God that is a single person, or they believe in many different gods, the idea of three persons making up the one God is critical though. In fact, Peter has this as part of the introduction to his first letter and explains some of the different roles each share - 1 Peter 1:1-2. The Father provides the foreknowledge, the Spirit provides sanctification, and the Son is involved in obedience and sprinkling with his blood. All three are distinct, but are acting in unity and love.
Why is it so important to understand that it is three beings in the one God? It is because at the very beginning of the universe, from eternity past to eternity in the future, is love. If it was just a single being forever and ever, there would be power and authority, perhaps even loneliness, and it is all about one single being. But when you have three beings for eternity there is relationship, love, praise, participation, friendship, and all the beautiful attributes we see in God. What we then see is what the Bible declares: God is love. That is that love is God. God defines love. We would not know love were it not for God.
This core idea drives every element of what God does. Why did God make man? Because it is an invitation to participate in love. Why does God require a punishment for sin and a standard of justice? Because that is an extension of his love - love for those who have been hurt and violated. We could go on and on, but love is the core of God’s nature it is the key element and motivation and we are invited to participate. Any knowledge we have is shortsighted and misguided if we do not understand that God is love and that the primary goal is love.
Godliness to Brotherly Kindness
The next attribute in our maturing process is the idea of brotherly kindness or family love. This is a particular type of love and affection that we show fellow believers and is based in the fact we share the same family, same father, same identity, same upbringing, etc. As a person grows in godliness, they will naturally become more and more concerned about others, but especially their brothers and sisters in Christ. This becomes the most important family that we have and it is tied to the greater identity that is given to us as part of Jesus’ people.
The first element that should cause us to value our relationship with each other more than any family relationship is our mutual birth. The fact that you share the same parents with your siblings or share the same grandparents with your cousins usually has a natural affection that comes with it. How much more should it be for the spiritual birth we have experienced? Consider the illustration of 1 Peter 1:3-4. We have a special, supernatural kind of birth, that puts us into the family of Christ. You and I have been invited to a family the world has no part in by physical terms or identity. And, as children of that family, we have an inheritance promised to us when Jesus returns. What a transforming identity for someone whose family name and lineage are broken, lost, or evil. God is inviting each of us to a new family - a family that operates as the original family is intended and brings healing. That’s extremely valuable to anyone who does not have a family or their family has rejected them. God is inviting us to be sons and daughters of this new family and everyone is invited!
1 Peter 1:22-2:3 - Our souls have been purified by obedience to the truth for a sincere love of the brethren, we are to love one another earnestly from a pure heart - that’s the goal of the redemptive birth God did for us and he wants us to grow into it. Why? God is making a new family that is based on his character - true love. Further, you choose to be a part of this family, unlike your earthly family. All of us were drawn into this family based on the love of the Father for us. Then, this family has a Father that operates like a real father. It has a family that is trying to be fulfill those relationships as brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc.
1 Peter 5:6-11 - this mutual identity helps motivate us throughout the difficulties and challenges that we face. Our enemy is trying to devour us, but we have a Father who truly cares for us and wants us to talk to him. Additionally, I share this with my brethren and that encourages me. Jesus will ultimately restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish his faithful ones who suffer alongside him. That process can start now through the relationships, mutual service, and care that we give to others - especially in hard times.
It is a tragedy when churches miss this. The way they may operate is no different or even worse than the families we see in the world. Further, there may be people that feel an obligation to gather with the church at our assemblies, but do not connect and participate in this new family. Perhaps some are not welcoming to someone who is new, or maybe they do not think or want to be part of a local body that holds them accountable, encourages them, and expects participation. This is not the vision that God has for the local church. It is not the way Jesus operated in his relationships and does not reflect the new family of God that Jesus built. We are to be different than the world and we can do that by practicing and developing our understanding of this relationship and by practicing brotherly kindness.
What does it look like then to have brotherly kindness? The good news is that many of us grew up in families, even if they were broken and flawed, yet we were given the principles we need to bring forward to the church. Faithfulness should be part of this - a radical commitment and dedication to each other. Our relationships should be centered on empathy - there is no room for pride in this family - all of us have be broken by sin and we have been accepted by the mercy and grace of God and we have a common status. Therefore, compassion, mercy, and grace should be normal toward our faults and failings. There should be practical acts of kindness and generosity toward each others needs. We should realize that we are our brothers keepers and share responsibility to one another.
Practically this means that we check on each others health - spiritually and physically. We are committed to growth through encouragement, prayer, and study. We take care of the needs of others - food, clothing, shelter, projects that need assistance, counseling, accountability, mentoring, and so much more. It is a process where we look at the family we are invited to and we see what place we can fill and participate in that family. We then give our contributions for the benefit of one another and for the overall family as well. Use your creativity, what are practical ways you can show brotherly kindness in this church? What lessons have you learned from your physical family that can help build up the spiritual family of God in this place?
Brotherly Kindness to Love
Ultimately, the final attribute is the culmination of all these virtues - love. This love is a sacrificial and unconditional love that is not based on emotions or driven by feelings, it is a intentional decision or choice to act in the best interest of a person. This virtue then is a type of love that seeks the highest good for others, no matter the personal cost we have. It is a sacrificial love that truly can only come from a heart that has been transformed by the love and kindness of God to us. It is a reflection of the character of God and is to be the distinguishing mark of a true disciple (John 13:34-35). As with all of these, the attribute has first been present in Christ, but to an overwhelming extent we see this in Christ - his willingness to leave his place in heaven, become flesh, become a servant, then suffer and die on the the cross for our sins (1 Peter 1:18-21). But it is also manifested in the great hope and promises that are given to us in the future. The goal in the future is to make known his kindness. We have just started to see the love of God and when we need to press that into our understanding will be changed
What does this love look like? In 1 Peter 3:8-12, love looks like a unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, a humble mind, no repaying evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but instead blessing others so that we may be blessed. Are you striving to have the same perspective and attitude with others? Are you striving for unity or content with apathy and division toward others? Are you truly sympathetic for the challenges and difficulties others face? Are you tender hearted toward the weaknesses, sufferings and challenges of others or are you hard hearted and calloused to them in their time of need? Are you arrogant and selfish toward others, or are you realizing your mutual identity in Jesus that we are all sinners with nothing to boast of, yet loved and blessed by God’s grace? How are you responding to the insults and evils that may be done toward you? Are you bitter? Vindictive? Unforgiving? Rude? Harsh? Not only are you hurting that person, you are hurting yourself and losing the blessing that God has called us to. Each of us are made in the image of God and deserve love and respect, and this is even more true for God’s people. Does this describe your life? Is this a vision of the love you have for others?
This is the type of blessings that are given to people who love life and want to see good days. They want to experience the good life that Psalm 34 describes. We have to control our tongues, we have to turn from evil and do good, we have to seek peace and pursue it with others. Tragically, too many are apathetic or too busy to love like this and they end up hurting others and missing our on the blessings God wants in their lives.
1 Peter 3:13-17 - love for others means standing for righteousness even when things are hard and not being afraid of others, but instead lovingly telling the truth with gentleness and respect for others. Evangelism is a natural outflow of the love that we have for all men - and especially those that are lost. When we truly honor God, we will show the love we have experienced from God with others and try to help them understand it even when we are maligned by others.
What additional motivation do we have? 1 Peter 4:7-11 - we know this world will be finished and the new world is coming, we need that perspective on life. The primary attribute Peter wants from us is loving one another earnestly. Why? Love covers a multitude of sins. Sins are going to happen. Sin is the fundamental issue. Love covering sin was especially true in Jesus’ case with us, but it is still true in our interactions with others. We will be hurt and sinned against, but it is the faithful love for others that will lead to those being resolved and covered.
Further, when we have love, we will be hospitable to be one another without grumbling. We put ourselves in their situation, realize their need, and share our blessings with others people. Not only this, we leverage our gifts that we have for one another as stewards. Wether that is the way that we speak - making sure that we speak the oracles of God, or wether it is service as ones that serve by the strength God supplies. Every part of our lives are shapes and molded to glorify God and are expressions of his rule in our lives now.
Fundamentally it is about finding practical ways to love others, even those who are difficult and especially needy. Take time and think about what that may look like in your life. What are practical ways you can grow in your love for Christ and others everyday? Ultimately the only way we will ever have the level of love that Christ wants us when we have fully experienced and understood the love by reading his word, reflecting on his love, praising him in song, and striving to know him, and then ultimately by obeying him in loving others.
We have reached the end. There is an overall progression that Peter wants us to have that builds to a life that looks like Christ. But do not forget the motivation for all these things - we have these attributes because we remember the faithfulness and love of Christ toward us. If we participate in these we will be effective and fruitful for the Lord. We need to put an emphasis on these attributes and be diligent to work on them. Applying these elements should help us have confidence in our salvation - they are how we confirm our calling and election and if we do they we will never stumble. Our entrance is richly provided us into the eternal kingdom when we are putting every effort in to work on these elements.
Too many christians are unsure of their salvation. God does not want this for you and me. First, it doesn’t rely on you alone. God is working in you and can accomplish his work. But secondly, if you are making every effort, if you are diligent to apply these things and grow in these ways, that’s how we can be confident of our salvation. God is dedicated to you and wants you to be confident. Focus on these attributes and your entrance will be abundantly supplied.
For the last two weeks, we have been examining this wonderful invitation to be partakers of the divine nature and we have been focusing on knowing Christ through developing greater faith, virtue, and knowledge, and last week we focused on imitating Christ through self control, perseverance, and godliness. Where we ended last time was with godliness - a life that in every area is God oriented. What will a life that is God oriented look like practically? It will lead to brotherly kindness and culminate in sacrificial love because those reflect the heart of Christ.
Earlier this year we talked about the three personal God and we looked at his nature. This is a very different and unique among the religions of the world. Various religions believe in one God that is a single person, or they believe in many different gods, the idea of three persons making up the one God is critical though. In fact, Peter has this as part of the introduction to his first letter and explains some of the different roles each share - 1 Peter 1:1-2. The Father provides the foreknowledge, the Spirit provides sanctification, and the Son is involved in obedience and sprinkling with his blood. All three are distinct, but are acting in unity and love.
Why is it so important to understand that it is three beings in the one God? It is because at the very beginning of the universe, from eternity past to eternity in the future, is love. If it was just a single being forever and ever, there would be power and authority, perhaps even loneliness, and it is all about one single being. But when you have three beings for eternity there is relationship, love, praise, participation, friendship, and all the beautiful attributes we see in God. What we then see is what the Bible declares: God is love. That is that love is God. God defines love. We would not know love were it not for God.
This core idea drives every element of what God does. Why did God make man? Because it is an invitation to participate in love. Why does God require a punishment for sin and a standard of justice? Because that is an extension of his love - love for those who have been hurt and violated. We could go on and on, but love is the core of God’s nature it is the key element and motivation and we are invited to participate. Any knowledge we have is shortsighted and misguided if we do not understand that God is love and that the primary goal is love.
Godliness to Brotherly Kindness
The next attribute in our maturing process is the idea of brotherly kindness or family love. This is a particular type of love and affection that we show fellow believers and is based in the fact we share the same family, same father, same identity, same upbringing, etc. As a person grows in godliness, they will naturally become more and more concerned about others, but especially their brothers and sisters in Christ. This becomes the most important family that we have and it is tied to the greater identity that is given to us as part of Jesus’ people.
The first element that should cause us to value our relationship with each other more than any family relationship is our mutual birth. The fact that you share the same parents with your siblings or share the same grandparents with your cousins usually has a natural affection that comes with it. How much more should it be for the spiritual birth we have experienced? Consider the illustration of 1 Peter 1:3-4. We have a special, supernatural kind of birth, that puts us into the family of Christ. You and I have been invited to a family the world has no part in by physical terms or identity. And, as children of that family, we have an inheritance promised to us when Jesus returns. What a transforming identity for someone whose family name and lineage are broken, lost, or evil. God is inviting each of us to a new family - a family that operates as the original family is intended and brings healing. That’s extremely valuable to anyone who does not have a family or their family has rejected them. God is inviting us to be sons and daughters of this new family and everyone is invited!
1 Peter 1:22-2:3 - Our souls have been purified by obedience to the truth for a sincere love of the brethren, we are to love one another earnestly from a pure heart - that’s the goal of the redemptive birth God did for us and he wants us to grow into it. Why? God is making a new family that is based on his character - true love. Further, you choose to be a part of this family, unlike your earthly family. All of us were drawn into this family based on the love of the Father for us. Then, this family has a Father that operates like a real father. It has a family that is trying to be fulfill those relationships as brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, etc.
1 Peter 5:6-11 - this mutual identity helps motivate us throughout the difficulties and challenges that we face. Our enemy is trying to devour us, but we have a Father who truly cares for us and wants us to talk to him. Additionally, I share this with my brethren and that encourages me. Jesus will ultimately restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish his faithful ones who suffer alongside him. That process can start now through the relationships, mutual service, and care that we give to others - especially in hard times.
It is a tragedy when churches miss this. The way they may operate is no different or even worse than the families we see in the world. Further, there may be people that feel an obligation to gather with the church at our assemblies, but do not connect and participate in this new family. Perhaps some are not welcoming to someone who is new, or maybe they do not think or want to be part of a local body that holds them accountable, encourages them, and expects participation. This is not the vision that God has for the local church. It is not the way Jesus operated in his relationships and does not reflect the new family of God that Jesus built. We are to be different than the world and we can do that by practicing and developing our understanding of this relationship and by practicing brotherly kindness.
What does it look like then to have brotherly kindness? The good news is that many of us grew up in families, even if they were broken and flawed, yet we were given the principles we need to bring forward to the church. Faithfulness should be part of this - a radical commitment and dedication to each other. Our relationships should be centered on empathy - there is no room for pride in this family - all of us have be broken by sin and we have been accepted by the mercy and grace of God and we have a common status. Therefore, compassion, mercy, and grace should be normal toward our faults and failings. There should be practical acts of kindness and generosity toward each others needs. We should realize that we are our brothers keepers and share responsibility to one another.
Practically this means that we check on each others health - spiritually and physically. We are committed to growth through encouragement, prayer, and study. We take care of the needs of others - food, clothing, shelter, projects that need assistance, counseling, accountability, mentoring, and so much more. It is a process where we look at the family we are invited to and we see what place we can fill and participate in that family. We then give our contributions for the benefit of one another and for the overall family as well. Use your creativity, what are practical ways you can show brotherly kindness in this church? What lessons have you learned from your physical family that can help build up the spiritual family of God in this place?
Brotherly Kindness to Love
Ultimately, the final attribute is the culmination of all these virtues - love. This love is a sacrificial and unconditional love that is not based on emotions or driven by feelings, it is a intentional decision or choice to act in the best interest of a person. This virtue then is a type of love that seeks the highest good for others, no matter the personal cost we have. It is a sacrificial love that truly can only come from a heart that has been transformed by the love and kindness of God to us. It is a reflection of the character of God and is to be the distinguishing mark of a true disciple (John 13:34-35). As with all of these, the attribute has first been present in Christ, but to an overwhelming extent we see this in Christ - his willingness to leave his place in heaven, become flesh, become a servant, then suffer and die on the the cross for our sins (1 Peter 1:18-21). But it is also manifested in the great hope and promises that are given to us in the future. The goal in the future is to make known his kindness. We have just started to see the love of God and when we need to press that into our understanding will be changed
What does this love look like? In 1 Peter 3:8-12, love looks like a unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, a humble mind, no repaying evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but instead blessing others so that we may be blessed. Are you striving to have the same perspective and attitude with others? Are you striving for unity or content with apathy and division toward others? Are you truly sympathetic for the challenges and difficulties others face? Are you tender hearted toward the weaknesses, sufferings and challenges of others or are you hard hearted and calloused to them in their time of need? Are you arrogant and selfish toward others, or are you realizing your mutual identity in Jesus that we are all sinners with nothing to boast of, yet loved and blessed by God’s grace? How are you responding to the insults and evils that may be done toward you? Are you bitter? Vindictive? Unforgiving? Rude? Harsh? Not only are you hurting that person, you are hurting yourself and losing the blessing that God has called us to. Each of us are made in the image of God and deserve love and respect, and this is even more true for God’s people. Does this describe your life? Is this a vision of the love you have for others?
This is the type of blessings that are given to people who love life and want to see good days. They want to experience the good life that Psalm 34 describes. We have to control our tongues, we have to turn from evil and do good, we have to seek peace and pursue it with others. Tragically, too many are apathetic or too busy to love like this and they end up hurting others and missing our on the blessings God wants in their lives.
1 Peter 3:13-17 - love for others means standing for righteousness even when things are hard and not being afraid of others, but instead lovingly telling the truth with gentleness and respect for others. Evangelism is a natural outflow of the love that we have for all men - and especially those that are lost. When we truly honor God, we will show the love we have experienced from God with others and try to help them understand it even when we are maligned by others.
What additional motivation do we have? 1 Peter 4:7-11 - we know this world will be finished and the new world is coming, we need that perspective on life. The primary attribute Peter wants from us is loving one another earnestly. Why? Love covers a multitude of sins. Sins are going to happen. Sin is the fundamental issue. Love covering sin was especially true in Jesus’ case with us, but it is still true in our interactions with others. We will be hurt and sinned against, but it is the faithful love for others that will lead to those being resolved and covered.
Further, when we have love, we will be hospitable to be one another without grumbling. We put ourselves in their situation, realize their need, and share our blessings with others people. Not only this, we leverage our gifts that we have for one another as stewards. Wether that is the way that we speak - making sure that we speak the oracles of God, or wether it is service as ones that serve by the strength God supplies. Every part of our lives are shapes and molded to glorify God and are expressions of his rule in our lives now.
Fundamentally it is about finding practical ways to love others, even those who are difficult and especially needy. Take time and think about what that may look like in your life. What are practical ways you can grow in your love for Christ and others everyday? Ultimately the only way we will ever have the level of love that Christ wants us when we have fully experienced and understood the love by reading his word, reflecting on his love, praising him in song, and striving to know him, and then ultimately by obeying him in loving others.
We have reached the end. There is an overall progression that Peter wants us to have that builds to a life that looks like Christ. But do not forget the motivation for all these things - we have these attributes because we remember the faithfulness and love of Christ toward us. If we participate in these we will be effective and fruitful for the Lord. We need to put an emphasis on these attributes and be diligent to work on them. Applying these elements should help us have confidence in our salvation - they are how we confirm our calling and election and if we do they we will never stumble. Our entrance is richly provided us into the eternal kingdom when we are putting every effort in to work on these elements.
Too many christians are unsure of their salvation. God does not want this for you and me. First, it doesn’t rely on you alone. God is working in you and can accomplish his work. But secondly, if you are making every effort, if you are diligent to apply these things and grow in these ways, that’s how we can be confident of our salvation. God is dedicated to you and wants you to be confident. Focus on these attributes and your entrance will be abundantly supplied.
Reflejando a Cristo
Durante las últimas dos semanas, hemos estado examinando esta maravillosa invitación a ser partícipes de la naturaleza divina y nos hemos centrado en conocer a Cristo mediante el desarrollo de una mayor fe, virtud y conocimiento, y la semana pasada nos centramos en imitar a Cristo a través del dominio propio, la perseverancia y la piedad. Donde terminamos la última vez fue con la piedad, una vida que en todas las áreas está orientada a Dios. ¿Cómo será en la práctica una vida orientada hacia Dios? Conducirá a la bondad fraternal y culminará en el amor sacrificial porque refleja el corazón de Cristo.
A principios de este año hablamos de los tres Dios personales y observamos su naturaleza. Esta es una religión muy diferente y única entre las religiones del mundo. Varias religiones creen en un Dios que es una sola persona, o creen en muchos dioses diferentes, sin embargo, la idea de que tres personas formen un solo Dios es fundamental. De hecho, Pedro tiene esto como parte de la introducción de su primera carta y explica algunos de los diferentes roles que cada uno comparte: 1 Pedro 1:1-2. El Padre provee la presciencia, el Espíritu provee la santificación, y el Hijo está involucrado en la obediencia y en la aspersión con su sangre. Los tres son distintos, pero actúan en unidad y amor.
¿Por qué es tan importante entender que son tres seres en un solo Dios? Es porque en el principio mismo del universo, desde la eternidad pasada hasta la eternidad en el futuro, está el amor. Si se tratara de un solo ser por los siglos de los siglos, habría poder y autoridad, tal vez incluso soledad, y todo se trata de un solo ser. Pero cuando tienes tres seres para la eternidad hay relación, amor, alabanza, participación, amistad y todos los hermosos atributos que vemos en Dios. Lo que vemos entonces es lo que la Biblia declara: Dios es amor. Es decir, que el amor es Dios. Dios define el amor. No conoceríamos el amor si no fuera por Dios.
Esta idea central impulsa cada elemento de lo que Dios hace. ¿Por qué Dios hizo al hombre? Porque es una invitación a participar en el amor. ¿Por qué Dios requiere un castigo por el pecado y una norma de justicia? Porque eso es una extensión de su amor: el amor por aquellos que han sido heridos y violados. Podríamos seguir y seguir, pero el amor es el núcleo de la naturaleza de Dios, es el elemento clave y la motivación, y estamos invitados a participar. Cualquier conocimiento que tengamos es miope y equivocado si no entendemos que Dios es amor y que el objetivo principal es el amor.
De la piedad a la bondad fraternal
El siguiente atributo en nuestro proceso de maduración es la idea de la bondad fraternal o el amor familiar. Este es un tipo particular de amor y afecto que mostramos a nuestros hermanos creyentes y se basa en el hecho de que compartimos la misma familia, el mismo padre, la misma identidad, la misma educación, etc. A medida que una persona crece en piedad, naturalmente se preocupará cada vez más por los demás, pero especialmente por sus hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. Esta se convierte en la familia más importante que tenemos y está ligada a la identidad más grande que se nos da como parte del pueblo de Jesús.
El primer elemento que debería hacernos valorar nuestra relación mutua más que cualquier relación familiar es nuestro nacimiento mutuo. El hecho de que compartas los mismos padres con tus hermanos o compartas los mismos abuelos con tus primos suele tener un afecto natural que lo acompaña. ¿Cuánto más debería ser para el nacimiento espiritual que hemos experimentado? Considere la parábola de 1 Pedro 1:3-4. Tenemos un tipo especial, sobrenatural, de nacimiento, que nos pone en la familia de Cristo. Tú y yo hemos sido invitados a una familia en la que el mundo no tiene parte ni por términos físicos ni por identidad. Y, como hijos de esa familia, tenemos una herencia prometida a nosotros cuando Jesús regrese. ¡Qué identidad tan transformadora para alguien cuyo apellido y linaje están rotos, perdidos o malvados! Dios nos está invitando a cada uno de nosotros a una nueva familia, una familia que funciona como se pretendía con la familia original y que trae sanidad. Eso es extremadamente valioso para cualquiera que no tenga una familia o que su familia los haya rechazado. ¡Dios nos está invitando a ser hijos e hijas de esta nueva familia y todos están invitados!
1 Pedro 1:22-2:3 - Nuestras almas han sido purificadas por la obediencia a la verdad por un amor sincero a los hermanos, debemos amarnos los unos a los otros fervientemente con un corazón puro - esa es la meta del nacimiento redentor que Dios hizo por nosotros y él quiere que crezcamos en él. ¿Por qué? Dios está creando una nueva familia que se basa en su carácter: el amor verdadero. Además, eliges ser parte de esta familia, a diferencia de tu familia terrenal. Todos fuimos atraídos a esta familia basados en el amor del Padre por nosotros. Entonces, esta familia tiene un Padre que funciona como un verdadero padre. Tiene una familia que está tratando de cumplir con esas relaciones como hermanos, hermanas, madres, padres, etc.
1 Pedro 5:6-11 - esta identidad mutua nos ayuda a motivarnos a través de las dificultades y desafíos que enfrentamos. Nuestro enemigo está tratando de devorarnos, pero tenemos un Padre que realmente se preocupa por nosotros y quiere que hablemos con él. Además, comparto esto con mis hermanos y eso me anima. En última instancia, Jesús restaurará, confirmará, fortalecerá y establecerá a sus fieles que sufren junto a él. Ese proceso puede comenzar ahora a través de las relaciones, el servicio mutuo y el cuidado que damos a los demás, especialmente en tiempos difíciles.
Es una tragedia cuando las iglesias pasan por alto esto. La forma en que pueden operar no es diferente o incluso peor que la de las familias que vemos en el mundo. Además, puede haber personas que sientan la obligación de reunirse con la iglesia en nuestras asambleas, pero no se conecten ni participen en esta nueva familia. Tal vez algunos no son acogedores con alguien que es nuevo, o tal vez no piensan o no quieren ser parte de un cuerpo local que los hace responsables, los alienta y espera participar. Esta no es la visión que Dios tiene para la iglesia local. No es la forma en que Jesús operó en sus relaciones y no refleja la nueva familia de Dios que Jesús construyó. Debemos ser diferentes al mundo y podemos hacerlo practicando y desarrollando nuestra comprensión de esta relación y practicando la bondad fraternal.
¿Cómo se ve entonces tener bondad fraternal? La buena noticia es que muchos de nosotros crecimos en familias, incluso si estaban rotas y defectuosas, sin embargo, se nos dieron los principios que necesitamos presentar a la iglesia. La fidelidad debe ser parte de esto: un compromiso radical y dedicación mutua. Nuestras relaciones deben estar centradas en la empatía, no hay lugar para el orgullo en esta familia, todos hemos sido rotos por el pecado y hemos sido aceptados por la misericordia y la gracia de Dios y tenemos un estatus común. Por lo tanto, la compasión, la misericordia y la gracia deben ser normales hacia nuestras faltas y fracasos. Debe haber actos prácticos de bondad y generosidad hacia las necesidades de los demás. Debemos darnos cuenta de que somos nuestros hermanos guardianes y compartimos la responsabilidad los unos con los otros.
En la práctica, esto significa que nos controlamos mutuamente la salud, espiritual y físicamente. Estamos comprometidos con el crecimiento a través del aliento, la oración y el estudio. Nos ocupamos de las necesidades de los demás: comida, ropa, refugio, proyectos que necesitan asistencia, asesoramiento, responsabilidad, tutoría y mucho más. Es un proceso en el que miramos a la familia a la que estamos invitados y vemos qué lugar podemos ocupar y participar en esa familia. Luego damos nuestras contribuciones para el beneficio de los demás y también para la familia en general. Usa tu creatividad, ¿cuáles son las maneras prácticas en que puedes mostrar bondad fraternal en esta iglesia? ¿Qué lecciones has aprendido de tu familia física que pueden ayudar a edificar la familia espiritual de Dios en este lugar?
Bondad fraternal para amar
En última instancia, el atributo final es la culminación de todas estas virtudes: el amor. Este amor es un amor sacrificial e incondicional que no se basa en emociones ni está impulsado por sentimientos, es una decisión o elección intencional para actuar en el mejor interés de una persona. Esta virtud entonces es un tipo de amor que busca el mayor bien para los demás, sin importar el costo personal que tengamos. Es un amor sacrificial que verdaderamente solo puede venir de un corazón que ha sido transformado por el amor y la bondad de Dios hacia nosotros. Es un reflejo del carácter de Dios y debe ser la marca distintiva de un verdadero discípulo (Juan 13:34-35). Al igual que con todos estos, el atributo ha estado presente primero en Cristo, pero en un grado abrumador vemos esto en Cristo: su voluntad de dejar su lugar en el cielo, hacerse carne, convertirse en siervo, luego sufrir y morir en la cruz por nuestros pecados (1 Pedro 1:18-21). Pero también se manifiesta en la gran esperanza y las promesas que se nos dan en el futuro. El objetivo en el futuro es dar a conocer su bondad. Acabamos de empezar a ver el amor de Dios y cuando necesitemos insistir en eso, nuestro entendimiento cambiará
¿Cómo es este amor? En 1 Pedro 3:8-12, el amor se ve como una unidad de mente, simpatía, amor fraternal, un corazón tierno, una mente humilde, no pagar mal por mal o vilipendiar por injuriar, sino bendecir a los demás para que podamos ser bendecidos. ¿Te esfuerzas por tener la misma perspectiva y actitud con los demás? ¿Te esfuerzas por la unidad o te contentas con la apatía y la división hacia los demás? ¿Eres realmente comprensivo con los desafíos y dificultades que enfrentan los demás? ¿Eres tierno de corazón hacia las debilidades, sufrimientos y desafíos de los demás o eres duro de corazón e insensible hacia ellos en su momento de necesidad? ¿Eres arrogante y egoísta hacia los demás, o te estás dando cuenta de tu identidad mutua en Jesús de que todos somos pecadores sin nada de qué jactarnos, pero amados y bendecidos por la gracia de Dios? ¿Cómo estás respondiendo a los insultos y maldades que se puedan hacer hacia ti? ¿Eres amargado? ¿Vengativo? ¿Rencoroso? ¿Grosero? ¿Áspero? No solo estás lastimando a esa persona, sino que te estás lastimando a ti mismo y perdiendo la bendición a la que Dios nos ha llamado. Cada uno de nosotros está hecho a imagen de Dios y merece amor y respeto, y esto es aún más cierto para el pueblo de Dios. ¿Describe esto tu vida? ¿Es esta una visión del amor que tienes por los demás?
Este es el tipo de bendiciones que se dan a las personas que aman la vida y quieren ver buenos días. Quieren experimentar la buena vida que describe el Salmo 34. Tenemos que controlar nuestras lenguas, tenemos que apartarnos del mal y hacer el bien, tenemos que buscar la paz y buscarla con los demás. Trágicamente, demasiados son apáticos o están demasiado ocupados para amar de esta manera y terminan lastimando a otros y perdiéndose las bendiciones que Dios quiere en sus vidas.
1 Pedro 3:13-17 - el amor a los demás significa defender la justicia incluso cuando las cosas son difíciles y no tener miedo de los demás, sino decir la verdad con amor y respeto por los demás. El evangelismo es un flujo natural del amor que tenemos por todos los hombres, y especialmente por aquellos que se han perdido. Cuando verdaderamente honramos a Dios, mostraremos el amor que hemos experimentado de Dios con los demás y trataremos de ayudarles a entenderlo, incluso cuando otros nos difamen.
¿Qué motivación adicional tenemos? 1 Pedro 4:7-11 - sabemos que este mundo será terminado y el nuevo mundo está por venir, necesitamos esa perspectiva de la vida. El atributo principal que Pedro quiere de nosotros es amarnos los unos a los otros fervientemente. ¿Por qué? El amor cubre una multitud de pecados. Los pecados van a suceder. El pecado es la cuestión fundamental. El amor que cubre el pecado fue e