
God Says Go
Greg Gravitt
12/11/16 Sermon

Written On The Heart
Greg Gravitt
12/04/16 Sermon

Ananias And Sapphira: Lessons in Giving
Greg Gravitt
11/27/16 Sermon

Tunnel Vision: Lessons from Martha and Mary
Greg Gravitt
11/27/16 Sermon

Better To Give Than Receive
Greg Gravitt
11/20/16 Sermon

Overcome Evil With Good
Greg Gravitt
11/20/16 Sermon

Chase Byers
11/13/16 Sermon

What Is Your Life
Ron Morris
11/13/16 Sermon

Upon This Rock
Greg Gravitt
10/30/16 Sermon

Evil For Evil
Greg Gravitt
10/30/16 Sermon

Be Humble
Greg Gravitt
10/23/16 Sermon

Greg Gravitt
10/23/16 Sermon

Greg Gravitt
10/16/16 Sermon

Greg Gravitt
10/16/16 Sermon

Lessons From Paul's Shipwreck
Greg Gravitt
10/09/16 Sermon

Becoming A Living Sacrifice
Greg Gravitt
10/09/16 Sermon

Rejoice and Weep Together
Greg Gravitt
10/02/16 Sermon

Tame The Tongue
Greg Gravitt
09/25/16 Sermon

Bless And Do Not Curse
Greg Gravitt
09/25/16 Sermon

Spare The Rod Spoil The Child
Greg Gravitt
09/18/16 Sermon

Rejoice In Sacrifice
Greg Gravitt
09/18/16 Sermon

Don't Grow Weary
Greg Gravitt
09/11/16 Sermon

Becoming A Living Sacrifice: Fervent In Spirit
Greg Gravitt
09/11/16 Sermon

Becoming A Living Sacrifice: Not Lagging Behind In Diligence
Greg Gravitt
09/04/16 Sermon

Devotion To One Another
Greg Gravitt
08/28/16 Sermon