Lessons by Date

Maturity Vs Age
Bill Allison
05/08/16 Sermon

Bill Allison
05/08/16 Sermon

Purity in Holiness
Greg Gravitt
05/01/16 Sermon

Solomon's Temple
Bill Allison
04/29/16 Sermon

Bill Allison
04/29/16 Sermon

Greg Gravitt
04/17/16 Sermon

Come Share The Lord
Greg Gravitt
04/17/16 Sermon

Galatians Ch2
Greg Gravitt
04/10/16 Sermon

Being A Child Of God
Greg Gravitt
04/03/16 Sermon

Children Of God
Victor Osorio
03/27/16 Sermon

I Am A Christian
Greg Gravitt
03/27/16 Sermon

Judge Not
Greg Gravitt
03/20/16 Sermon

Galations Chapter 1
Greg Gravitt
03/20/16 Sermon

Church Discipline
Greg Gravitt
03/13/16 Sermon

Paul's Journey In Galatia
Greg Gravitt
03/13/16 Sermon

From God Or Man
Greg Gravitt
03/10/16 Sermon

Lessons From Lazarus
Greg Gravitt
03/06/16 Sermon

As I Loved You Pt2
Greg Gravitt
02/28/16 Sermon

As I Loved You Pt1
Greg Gravitt
02/28/16 Sermon

The Greatest Commandment
Don Wright
02/26/16 Sermon

Things That Need Protecting
Don Wright
02/25/16 Sermon

Just Say The Word
Don Wright
02/24/16 Sermon

God Is In Trouble
Don Wright
02/23/16 Sermon

A Mindset Of Modesty
Don Wright
02/22/16 Sermon

Remember Who You Are
Don Wright
02/21/16 Sermon