
The Missing Message
Last Saturday evening something happened that rarely happens in our world, former president Donald Trump was nearly assassinated while speaking at a rally. The most recent comparison of an event like this was the shooting of Reagan in 1981. This has been obviously a topic of conversation and news for the days that have followed. There’s been consistent news articles, videos, commentary, and more posted regarding the terrible event.
At this time, I believe it is worth our time to slow down and consider what is missing in this narrative and what the scriptures have to say about events like this. We’re in the midst of a passionate election year. How are we supposed to think about this as christians? What does the gospel have to say about these kinds of things? What is missing in the overall narrative that we should see as christians?
Why the moral outrage?
Almost unanimously, people on both sides of the political spectrum have come down on this action. There are consistent statements that actions like these are unacceptable and there has been condemnation of those who actually agreed with it. But have you ever wondered why? In a world that is continually rejecting God and absolute standards, why is something like this wrong? The reason is missing in the reports. The reason this is wrong is because we have a law written on our hearts - Romans 2:14-16. All of us fundamentally know certain things are right and wrong. C.S. Lewis called this the "moral ought”, the standard of good behavior that every person is responsible for and that they should extend to a fellow human being. This is one of the clearest signs there is a God - someone to whom we are accountable for our actions.
In one video I was watching this week as part of researching for this lesson, there was a man being interviewed and the hostess was asking what the solution was to our divided nation. One thing He mentioned was us realizing an obligation that we have to one another and that we should not focus exclusively on our rights. That true, but why is this right?
For years people have been told that they are the product of random chance processes, that this life is all there is, they are simply animals, there is no ultimate standard they will be held to, and more. Then, unsurprisingly, people act out in violence toward one another in order to secure what they want at whatever costs.
The Bible teaches that the reason we do this is because our evil hearts. Man will seek to gratify their desires at the expense of obedience to God - that’s sin. The Bible says to love one another (Matthew 22:39) and consider others interests as more significant (Philippians 2:4). This is just one more clear example that shows the Bible is not irrelevant and unimportant. In contrast, it is strikingly modern and relevant to our times. It’s the only source that really explains what is happening in the world and what the answer to our problem is.
A nation that has rebelled against God
The next thing you won’t hear is that this nation is in sin and needs to repent. Now, that’s not a message that is unique to our country. If you read the prophets you will see that God calls all nations to repent, and he will hold them accountable. Amos 1 and 2 for example show God addressing nation and after nation for their various transgressions - this is consistent in the prophets. The ultimate Bible message is that God is going to hold them accountable. Remember what Proverbs 14:34 says? That’s true for every nation, for all time.
Now, there are many righteous people in the United States and in other countries in the world. But as an overall trajectory, what direction has our country been heading? Unbelief in God is on the rise. Churches generally are declining. Actions that not many years ago would have been denounced are now being celebrated. God is not going to overlook these things. God will hold all people accountable. Our nation sounds much like (Romans 1:18-32). We have lost sight of our dependence on God and have refused to be thankful, we are not honoring him, and we are bent on worshipping the creature and idols like money, power, sex, etc, instead of the Creator.
What does God think about nations that are on a trajectory like this? We know what God thinks, the answer is in Jonah. Jonah was called to tell a wicked nation to repent, and he was the reluctant prophet who would not go. In Jonah 4, he explains why he didn’t want to go - Jonah 4:1-3 - he didn’t want his enemies to repent and be saved. Jonah’s heart was evil and hard. But look at God’s response - Jonah 4:10-11. God loved the people in Nineveh. It grieves God to see his creation go into sin and oppress and hurt others. He wanted them to repent, and we should want the same thing for our country.
The problem is not political, it’s spiritual
At a fundamental level then, the problem is not political, it’s spiritual. That’s important to understand because that means the government is not the answer. If you look at the conversations about why our country is so divided, you will see that they don’t have an answer for how this can be solved. Our country is very divided now - some say it is as divided as it was back in the 1960’s when various political leaders were killed like Kennedy, MLK Jr, and more. It may be as divided as it was ultimately before the civil war. We do not know what the future holds, but we know that God knows, and he is still on his throne.
However, let me be clear about one element as it relates to the church: Political idols can disrupt and damage the church. Politics is having a tremendous influence over people. Religious groups are becoming more and more homogenous as they align around political parties and positions. That’s a tragedy because the whole point of the gospel is that it is the uniting force that brings together people of very different backgrounds. Look at the difference between Matthew the tax collector (Matthew 10:3) - who worked for the Roman authorities, and Simon the zealot (Matthew 10:4) - a group that was normally against Roman occupation and wanted their death. Even the other disciples when they thought about Jesus as the Messiah, they seem to have the idea more of a political leader who would overthrow Rome and allow them to have their kingdom back - Matthew 16:13-20. However, the message of Jesus as king, as the Messiah, transcended political differences and brought true unity and love. It was a message that turned the world upside down - Acts 17:1-9.
If we look back during the time of covid, many of the divisions that came into the church were from politics. I know had failures during that time, like many of us did. It’s very easy to let our preferences and understandings be put ahead of loving one another, being tolerant of one another, and being united (Ephesians 4:1-3). I’m not saying there aren’t clear sins that must be avoided in our political process, but no party is perfect and there is no way that a political party will ever be completely conformed to the gospel message.
That means that we must make sure to keep the divisions and problems of the world outside of the church and focus on the renewed mindset and life we have from God. The world says that there is no God and we are simply accidents and animals, but the Bible says that we are all made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26) and worthy of dignity and respect. The world is divided according to “race”, but the Bible teaches we are all one blood (Acts 17:26) and there are not multiple races, there is only one. The world is divided on issues of sexuality and identity, but the Bible teaches that God made them male and female (Genesis 1:27) and that marriage is the foundational relationship for humanity. Many of the problems come from frustrations of losing money and political issues, but the Bible teaches to not put our treasures on earth, but to lay them up in heaven (Matthew 6:19-20).
Further, the world has such a toxic way of discussing topics and issues right now, we must remove all corrupt speech from ourselves (Ephesians 4:29) and focus on speaking the truth in love to each other (Ephesians 4:15). We have to communicate and disagree without contempt and hatred. We are called as christians to be lights in a dark world around us.
What we really need are a combination of two things. The first is a restoration mentality. When Israel had gone off the rails during the times of the kings and there was immorality, idolatry, and injustice all around them, it was righteous kings like Hezekiah, Josiah, and others that helped to lead the people back to obedience to God.
Every restoration movement always begins with a renewed desire to read the word of God and have a heart to obey it. That’s the kind of movement we need to have and it is a movement that you can start and control in your own life and family right now. You can control sharing the gospel with others. You can control your life. You can be part of the solution right now.
Further, we need passionate prayer for our leaders. Paul gave this instruction in 1 Timothy 2:1-6. All men need prayers, especially leaders. We need to pray that God will raise up righteous leaders in our time that will help us live a tranquil and quiet life. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God. God wants everyone to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. We should want the right leaders in place, and we should want all people to be saved and work to share the gospel with them. Jesus’ death and the gospel message are not just for you and me, they are for all people. That’s a message that the world needs and God has given it to us and wants us to be busy in that work of sharing the word, living it ourselves, and praying for God’s will to be accomplished.
The gospel is the real answer
Have you noticed how death can wake us up? I’m pleased to hear that Donald Trump decided to tear up a speech he had and focus on uniting the country. Biden seems to have had a change of heart as well. Facing death helps us refocus on what matters.
Here’s the truth we should see as well - all of us are a moment from death. It may not be someone trying to kill us while we present a speech, but how many people died today in a car wreck, or an accident? They didn’t wake up that morning thinking they would die. The reality is that our lives are simply a vapor that appears for a little while and passes away - James 4:13-17. We make our plans for how life will be and what we will accomplish, but if we don’t include the Lord in those plans, we are arrogant and in sin. We must realign ourselves with God and is his will
Here then is the greatest value that Jesus gives to us, he has come to set us free from sin and the fear of death. God knows that our greatest problem is sin. God knows that we are enslaved to the fear of death. Hebrews 2:14-18 - Jesus has come to give us the most important gift - salvation. He promises us eternal life if we will give up the pursuits of this world and follow him.
Remember what Jesus told Peter in Matthew 16? What it really means for Jesus to be king is that he was going to be rejected, suffer, and die - why? To save us (Matthew 20:28). We then must follow his example. We need to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and follow Jesus. We need to lose our lives in order to save them. It does not matter if we gain the world and lose our soul. Jesus wants to give us so much more - his kingdom and rule. We can be a part of that now, and there will be a day in the future when he will hold all people accountable (16:27).
When we are focused on those kinds of things, we will become the united people that Jesus wants because we are not focused on our rights and oppressing others, because we will not love the world, but instead we will love the Father (1 John 2:15-17). That’s the true answer to our political divide and it starts with us realizing that all of us are sinners that need salvation from sin and death. That God has brought that salvation in Jesus because of his great love for us. And then we need to live the new life he has called us to as people of his. That’s the message people need in moments of division, hatred, and violence that we experience in our world. That is a message of hope that centers around Jesus and being a follow of His.
Ultimately, God does not call us to be aligned with a political party or to set our hopes on political changes in this world. We are called to live as God’s elect exiles (1 Peter 2:11-17). As exiles, the people of Israel were called to live differently. They were not to conform to the culture and idols of Babylon, but they were not to live separate from them either. They were called to live in Babylon, but live uncompromisingly. They were to build their lives and pray for the benefit of that society (Jeremiah 29:4-14). Daniel and his friends then are great examples of how we should live - living holy and uncompromising lives, yet seeking the welfare and benefit of our country, while still focused on our true identity and home with God. We need to realize our unique identity and mission in Christ (1 Peter 2:9-10), then live a life that draws others to the true answers they need in a world that is missing the real answer.