

Into the Unknown

For many people, the months of May and June are busy with the celebrations of academic achievements, graduations, and even weddings. These months mark new beginnings filled with excitement, hope and a little fear.

What is comforting is to remember that God has led so many through moments just like these before! One such person that comes to mind is Joshua, the man commissioned to lead the Israelites into the land of Canaan after Moses. Someone has observed five different events in Joshua’s life that God used to prepare him for the thrilling and unprecedented conquering of the promised land.

1. Follow God’s Plan (Ex. 17:8-16)

The first time we are introduced to Joshua, he is leading the Israelites into battle to defend them against the Amalekites. What he didn’t know is that Moses, Aaron and Hur climbed the top of a hill to observe the battle. He also didn’t know that when Moses raised his hands in intercession, the battle went in Israel’s favor. It was an unorthodox way to win a battle, but God wanted Joshua to know who really won the day. God told Moses to recite this event to Joshua. God’s plans work. Trusting in God works.

God has a lot of plans that will seem unorthodox and foolish by worldly standards (marriage, faithfulness, sacrifice, humility, etc.), but we need to remember the lesson from Ex. 17. Follow God’s plans.

2. God is Glorious and Mighty (Ex. 24:9-18)

God’s appearing on Mt. Sinai is one of the foundational moments in the history of Israel. This theophany, where the mountain is on fire, and smoke ascends to heaven, and the earth shakes, is meant to motivate every spectator to hold God in awe. The Israelites were terrified and did not want to approach the mountain. The elders got a little closer. But it was Moses and Joshua who went up together. Imagine the impression this moment would have made on them? To learn so vividly that God is glorious and mighty! As we start exciting new seasons of our lives, we need to remember that as joyful and thrilling as these moments are, we should not get carried away or let them distract us from our awesome God.

3. Sin is Horrible (Ex. 32:15-20)

While Moses and Joshua were on the mountain, the people had convinced Aaron to fashion the golden calf for them. While the “ink was still dry” on the stone tables, God’s people had already broken their covenant with him. As they rushed down the mountain, Joshua confused the sound of the idolatrous revelry with the sound of battle. He witnessed firsthand the disappointment and righteous anger of Moses. He witnessed firsthand the people consume the powered remains of the idol.

As we get older and live more of life, we will encounter sin and all its heartbreak. Its ugly. Its painful. Its horrible. But we need to remember that God has provided a solution to sin! In his great love he offers his son to make atonement for sin. We need to see sin for all that it is, and grateful and humbly respond to Jesus!

4. God is Personal (Ex. 33:7-11)

In a way that no one else had experienced, Moses met with God, and his face was changed! Moses had to wear a veil to keep the brightness of his face from overwhelming other people. Joshua was nearby every time that Moses met with God. In a powerful way, Joshua learned that God is personal. He wants to know people and wants to be known by them. Remember that! God is real and wants to know you.

5. God is Present (Josh. 1:9)

After Moses passed away, the people of Israel were finally ready to be sent into Canaan. Except for Caleb and Joshua, that generation had never been there before. It was new. It was different. It was unknown. The previous generation had failed to capture the land because their fear of the unknown was greater than their faith in God. Repeatedly throughout Joshua chapter one, God reminded Joshua that he was with him. That he needed to be strong and courageous. As we begin new seasons of life, we need to remember the same thing.