

Spiritual Blessings in CHRIST

In Matthew 5:45, Jesus states that God “causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” All people, at times, receive these kinds of “common blessings.” Whether one is an atheist or polytheist, or a believer or not, some blessings are afforded to all. On the other hand, as true believers, we have reserved for us what scripture calls spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3). Spiritual blessings are unique, sanctified blessings that can only be found in Christ.

The proceeding is a nonexhaustive list of the innumerable spiritual blessings one obtains by being baptized into Christ by grace through faith.

Church – In Ephesians 4:11-16, we gaze on a beautiful portrait of what it looks like for the body of Christ to be functioning in a healthy manner. Jesus has personally set each member in place to do his or her share of the work. When it comes to our relationships with others in the church, we are to share in a variety of things such as love, worship, smiles, frowns, hospitality, patience, truth, repentance, forgiveness, and so much more. What a blessing our church family is!

Hope – First Peter 1:3 says we have a living hope. Secular society doesn’t typically use the word hope the same way the Bible does. When we use the word, we often mean “to wish or desire.” But when the Bible uses the word hope, it often refers to an expectation yet to be obtained. It is true that the object expected is something that is desired. But scripture adds an expectation. We could say “expectation plus desire equals hope.” Romans 8:18-25 teaches that the children of God and the world itself are eagerly waiting to be set free from their bondage to death and decay. We hope, or expect, something far better than what this temporary world has to offer – freedom from sin, pain, tears, and death. 

Reconciliation – In Romans 5:6-11, we learn that Christians who were once helpless, ungodly, and enemies of Jesus have been brought back into the favor of God by His awe-inspiring love displayed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We now have a right standing with God. This is a spiritual blessing in Christ that we are commanded to share with others (2 Cor. 5:18-20).

Immortality – First Corinthians 15:35-57 teaches that the bodies of those who fall asleep in Christ will one day rise anew and immortal. The natural body dies, and it will one day rise as a spiritual body (1 Cor. 15:44). That which is mortal must put on, or be clothed with, immortality (1 Cor. 15:53-54). Just as the Spirit of God raised Jesus’s body from the dead, He will also give life to our mortal bodies at the resurrection (Rom. 8:11). Our lowly bodies will be made like the glorious body of Jesus (Phil. 3:21). At the resurrection our souls and spirits – which will never die – will live in the presence of God forever.

Sanctification – This is not a word we typically use in our day to day vernacular. The word saint has the same origin. On an elementary level, it could be defined as to be made holy or set apart. When a person is sanctified by the blood of Christ he is made holy like God and set apart from the world. We are called to be honorable instruments, sanctified, useful to our Master in heaven (2 Tim. 2:21).

Trials – This spiritual blessing may seem odd at first glance. But James and Peter write about how God will send trials our way to help us grow in our faith. James 1:2-5 teaches us that when our faith is tested, we are to mature in our trust in God by looking to Him for wisdom during the difficult times in our lives. First Peter 1:5-9 mentions being put through fire. Fire does two things: destroys and purifies. Peter is saying that it is necessary at times for God to put us through fire to destroy our impurities and purify our souls.